Who are you?

We all have seen the movie Alice In Wonderland.
 (Well at least most of us have, if you haven’t your time is now)
I absolutely loved that movie. The concept is just amazing on how it dives into the depths of a child’s imagination. My favorite scene from the movie is when that weird caterpillar asks Alice “Who are you?”. As she attempts to answer, well actually not answer, Alice and the caterpillar engage in a run around conversation to figure out who the other is.

Watch the scene below


They go back and forth but by the end of the conversation both are still very unclear on who the other is . 
Has that ever happen to you? 
You ask all these questions back and forth, back and forth and still you are unclear on who the person is ?

Yes, I know, I sound crazy. What could be more clear than asking someone who they are? Well that’s the problem. We as humans have so many things that define our daily existence and here you are asking me to define in one sentence, one word, one phrase, Who I Am.

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a black woman, an entrepreneur, a teacher,  a learner, an explorer, a cook(well i try my best), a singer ( I only perform in showers), a dancer (when my reflection is my only competition), a writer, a talker, a thinker and so much more. 

I am a complicated specimen that is here to leave my mark on this world.


​P.S: You decide who you are. Not society, not your parents, not your significant others , not your friends, not anyone but you. Because 1,000 years from today, everyone that you know or may know will have the same exact status as you. DEAD! So screw them and live an epic life while you can. Be you! Be who YOU are!

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Georgie-Ann Getton

An award winning entrepreneur who has been featured in Nasdaq, Google, BlogHer, Motherly and more for my work. I teach about entrepreneurship, money management, and self improvement through courses, books, blogging, and YouTube. Leveraging systems you can reclaim your life. I'm here to help you do that!
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