In April I started my first full time, in person role since 2013. The only full-time job I’ve ever had was working at Foot Locker. I’ve done part-time roles and contracts, but never a role that required me to be in an office working a 9 to 5 working Monday through Friday. The majority of my work experience has been me talking to people pantsless in a robe behind a computer or a cellphone. So working with humans, having to put pants on, making sure my hands aren’t ashy, these things feel so irregular to me. And then let us not talk about small talk in the office. I just tried it and now I’m feeling like a super creep! Like a huge weirdo trying to just force small talk. What a change. Wish me luck, more adventures to come.
Each day since my first day I constantly have to tell myself “Georgie, please act normal”.
I’ve been trying my best, unfortunately, it’s not possible as I’m not normal, I never was.