I don’t wanna play by the rules

Well, here we are.
I keep starting and stopping my content creation. Why?
Simple. I don’t work like a machine, nor was I meant to.
I work best in seasons and cycles. Some seasons I’m on fire with content pouring out from every angle…other seasons, I want nothing but to delete all my social media.
Unfortunately, the world that we live in now expects everyone to be always on. When I’m always on. I break. Send only 1 newsletter a month. WAIT! No, send one a week. Post on social media 3 – 5 times a day but no not on that platform! That one you only post once a day at 12:08 pm ET with the #1 trending song and if you miss your chance to post then your content isn’t relevant. You need reels, but not TikToks repurposed as reels, they must be original content…ideally with something cute. Where’s your kid? Add them to the video. Oh and make sure you look like a model, have perfect lighting, but keep it light with an authentic and homey feeling.
UGHHH this shit is SOOOO exhausting.
I just want to share my work and my experiences with you all but this crap is too much to keep up with. And quite frankly. I’m not doing it anymore.
All these rules are made up by somebody out there that decided that this would be the order. Then as time went along other folks amended, upgraded, and remixed the rules.
What I’m saying here…is that we get to choose how we show up. We don’t have to follow the path that was suggested or that worked for a few people. We are allowed to carve out our own paths that reflect who we are…not who everyone else wants us to be.
TLDR; I don’t wanna play by these rules, they are all made up anyway. Be authentic to yourself and your inner values/rules.
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Georgie-Ann Getton

An award winning entrepreneur who has been featured in Nasdaq, Google, BlogHer, Motherly and more for my work. I teach about entrepreneurship, money management, and self improvement through courses, books, blogging, and YouTube. Leveraging systems you can reclaim your life. I'm here to help you do that!
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