I crashed an ATV into a Tree and it was Magical

A beach.

I needed to go to a beach.

I needed to get out of this house. We were mid pandemic. I worked from home, my kids learned at home, I lived at home. These 4 walls were getting…tooo…close!

Staycation I thought…but there are no beaches in NY. Well, none that I would go to at least. And it’s February the beaches would be freezing.


Puerto Rico! That’s not local but it’s still in the US so that works.

Wait they don’t have all-inclusive hotels? Thats weird. Ugh.

MEXICO!…um Mexico.

Mmm Mexico. That could be really fun.

Come on, vamanos!

Order my first purchase ever from Fashionnova, bought a suitcase, my bags were packed, made arrangements for my children and business in my absence…and I was ready to go.

Trying to swim in a cenote.

Oh my goodness… MEXICO!

The 70-degree weather kissed my face after landing in sunny Cancun, followed by beautiful the rain showers on the way to the hotel. I was in love already!

The hotel was filled with laughter, tequila, and music.

I needed this. I deserved this. I earned this.

This was my first adult vacation without my kids. It was LONG OVERDUE.

Mexico held a lot of firsts for me.

Like, the first time I went to the spa. And can I say it was AMAZING! Three spa visits, the sauna, Jacuzzi, steam room, cold bath, full body massage, facial, and a scrub. I was feeling very brand new.

It was my first time being drunk, I didn’t love that so much. I have since learned my tolerance level for alcohol but sleeping under the stars in a drunken state was a memory for the history books.

First time riding and simultaneously crashing an ATV…. Into a TREE!
Please folks invest in the small insurance fee they charge when you go ATV riding.

Zip-lining through the forest

I swam ( or at least tried my very best to stay afloat ) in a cenote followed by Zip-lining over a forest.

I got my beach. I got my peace.

I got to play, relax, and explore the world. Something that we all don’t do often enough.

We get so caught up in jobs, kids, partners, household duties, and so many other things that keep our task lists long and our patience short that we forget that there’s an entire world out there waiting to be explored. Waiting for US to share our unique passions, interests, and ideas with it.

Go crash an ATV, throw up under the stars, and have so much fun that you fall asleep at dinner ( all things I am guilty of ).

The world is waiting, this is day 1.

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Georgie-Ann Getton

An award winning entrepreneur who has been featured in Nasdaq, Google, BlogHer, Motherly and more for my work. I teach about entrepreneurship, money management, and self improvement through courses, books, blogging, and YouTube. Leveraging systems you can reclaim your life. I'm here to help you do that!
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