The last few months of my life have been some of the best and worst months of my life. Weird, right? It’s to the point I cannot comprehend how I am still here in full functioning capacity. It’s baffling to me that I am better, smarter, stronger from when I started this journey.
Y’all, I published a book, like a whole book and sold over 200 copies of it.
Then I released a podcast that now has over 2,000 people consistently listening to my voice.
But then the same doors that I never expected to close slammed shut.
So what did I do?
These past months, I’ve listened to over 15 audiobooks by different people that come from different backgrounds, cultures, and careers on different topics. With the variety in all of these books, they carried some of the same core messages.
5 Key Messages of Life
- People can hit rock bottom multiple times throughout life, the key is getting back up and pressing forward.
- What makes great people and great stories isn’t just living life, but living life when life gives you the entire middle finger.
- Ask for help, you will get it, you’re never alone.
- Shit may be crazy right now but at the end of the day fuck it, you won’t even remember it 10 years from now.
- Not everyone woke up today, but you did. Be grateful and get to work. Live your life to the max each day because that is the one purpose of life, to live.